Saturday, August 27, 2011

Little strawberry pie's

Dessert tonight - Mmm, yummy :) Well, it smelt divine, and omg, tasted so good!!!

Too sick to do anything this week :(

Wow, I have just realised how long it has been since I last blogged, and also that my last blog before this one is what I am eating for dinner tonight. Is it the smell of Kangaroo that makes me feel the need to blog? Hmm, I don't know what it is, but hey, here I am.

I have been terribly terribly ill, and tonight is the first night in 7 days that I have actually felt like cooking, not that I could get away with not cooking any of the previous 7 nights, but have done so feeling dizzy, and shivering, and really really sick.

I have not been able to exercise at all this week, but I am just hoping that at some point during next week that I am able to. Will I be able to keep my personal training appointment this week, or not, I wonder?!?  She may think they are just excuses, but they are not.

Well, I hope to get back to it soon. I didn't join a new gym to sit at home dying...
